7 Things A Man Should Never Do To A Woman

Y'all really don't know how to act around women. Don't you and you know what I get it? I don't blame you. I don't even blame myself. Because it's not like our, father, or someone other, sat down with us and said listen here son, when you approach a woman this is what you do and this is what you don't.

 So we didn't get that right, we didn't get that so. Now I'm going to act like your brother and I'm going to sit down with you take a seat while you're sitting reading here. My brother today I'm going to tell you “Seven things You don't Do to a Woman” let's hop into it.

Number One 

Does not buy her and buy that. I mean I don't want you to pay for her affection. You're literally setting yourself up for failure and also bankruptcy and what I mean is that there are so many guys out there and, I would like to call them skimps. Really where what they do is, they pay for girls affection, they'll buy them food all the time and they'll buy them roses, chocolates, teddy bears, jewelry and this and that.

They pay for their college tuition. Pay for their book does not pay for her affection. Not only are you going to end up really broke. She's going to see that she's going to use you. She's going to manipulate you and then it's going to get to a point, where you're not going to know does she loves me or does she love my money. Chances are she loves your money.

Number Two

Do not look at her private parts. Come on man I raised you better than that you got to be a gentleman. You got to be gentle with her matter, of fact, you shouldn't stare period you. See something you like, I want you to grow a pair and then march your swollen sack over there and talk to her like a real man. She's going to respect you so much more, when you do that and when you actually look into her eyes and not her chest or her butt matter of fact.

Number Three

Don't dress like a bum around her women this is going to sound bad but women really do see us like accessories right they want somebody they can show up to their parents to their friends etc.

7 Things A Man Should Never Do To A Woman

 they want you to look good and for guys, the bar is set so low like it's down here bro you don't have to dress all that well you don't have to be a fashion nest and latest.

Number Four

Using gender slurs, you should never call a woman, whatever type of gender slur you have. You got to get rid of it, from your vocabulary. You got to think about it from her shoes, right women already live in fear from us because we are naturally stronger than they are.

Why would you inflict more fear in her just because you're angry at her or because she didn't text you back or because she likes another dude or because she said no to your date? Bro, she doesn't owe you anything, and that type of mentality is the one you need to adopt.

Number Five

Calling her ugly or fat. Look women are already sensitive creatures. They're more sensitive than men, naturally and let's be honest, even as a man would you want to be called ugly or fat probably not. Look if she's your girl if she asks you one of those tricks questions like, "Am I fat?" It's a trick question, it's a trap instead.

7 Things A Man Should Never Do To A Woman
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What you should do is be smarter instead what you should do is, encourage her to go to the gym with you and you guys work out together, encourage her to lead a healthier lifestyle with you where you guys eat healthier together. Now both of you are elevating yourselves up together, which just makes your relationship stronger, while also becoming healthier that's a power move.

Number Six

Cheat on her. You as men our word is everything our ward is our bond right. If you break that, you nobody's going to ever trust you again if you don't love this, the girl don't you with her emotion, just let her go let her be free.

And then you could be free. What's the point of hurting another human being's feelings, just because you want to be comfortable and you want to be unfaithful? If you want to sleep around and be with a bunch of women don't hold her into a relationship and finally.

Number Seven

You should never compare her to any woman. Do that never ever ask her why she can't be more like your mom? Or why she can't be more like your ex? Or why she can't be more like her best friend? This is an easy way to get any women pissed and destroy their self-esteem. She's always going to feel like, she's not good enough for you. And no one deserves to feel that way.

And that's basically it for this week's blog guys those are “Seven things you should never do to a woman”.

Thank You.