Put that down put that. Who taught you how to do that if it sorely wasn't me. Where are you getting your grooming advice from don't even say me because I know for a fact? I didn't show you how to do to me how many dudes will do grooming habits or tips that.

Which you should be doing but doing them incorrectly. In a format that could be damaging your skin making you look worse today, boys.

I’m going to show you five grooming errors or grooming tips that you are doing which you should be but you are doing them incorrectly.

If that sounds interesting let's do things right…

Number One

Shaving against the grain look. Yes, shaving against the grain is an actual tip, here's the problem with it. Though every time you shave against the grain you are basically, causing more skin irritation and more ingrown to happen especially.
If you are not a professional and know, how to do it properly. And basically, what that means is that if you look at you are beard it has a natural growth pattern in some areas. It grows down some areas that the hair grows up when you shave against the grain.

You are grabbing you on razor and shaving against its, natural growth pattern most people do this to get the closest shave possible but, what ends up happening is that you end up causing more, ingrown, and skin irritation because you are going against.
what's the natural flow what, I suggest you guys do is start shaving with the grain and if you use a high-end quality razor you got nothing to worry about. I promise you it's going to be a close enough shave but what's going to end up, happening is that you are going to reduce some of that skin irritation and you are also going to cut away most of the ingrown hairs that happen every time you shave.

Number two

This one's kind of gross with the same trimmer you use on you or face. Talk about unhygienic boys the hairs in you or pits, your chest, your stomach, and especially in your crotch or your butt. Crack you the number of bacteria that those hairs trap down. There the sweat and there are many germs. The faecal matter it's gross you should not be using the same trimmer that you use on you or body on you or face. Number three
You or fingernails. Again this is a habit you should be doing but you are probably doing them wrong. You see you have probably noticed the little curvature. And all your clippers thinking oh this is the perfect way to just stuff my finger in there and do one clip to cut my nail that's a recipe for disaster. And you could be ruining your nail. Beds what you should be doing is using the clippers curvature to follow the natural curvature of your fingernails. And most experts suggest three to four clips per fingernail is what you're aiming for.

Number Three

Using cotton swabs to clean you or ear everybody thinks this is the right thing to do and yes you don't want earwax on the outer parts of you or ears because it looks dirty but what you must understand is that earwax is produced on the purpose you actually need earwax inside you or ear canals to protect you or eardrums and keep it out of the debris.
And also keep that area waterproof what you do when you use a cotton swab you are basically pushing that earwax into you or ear canal which can cause a blockage and also ruin you or eardrums a much better and safer approach is that every time you are in the shower use that soapy runny water that's falling on you or body and grab some of that and just clean the exterior part of you or ear to cleanse away that dirt from the visible area and leave the earwax on the inside.

Number Four

You wait way too long to apply lotion on your body or on your face. Look I’m a dark dude, so trust me I know what ashy elbows and knees look like. You just look dirty and scummy like you didn't even shower and every dermatologist says the same thing the average person waits too long to apply lotion see as soon as you hop out of the shower you shouldn't wait long. Before you apply it instead as soon as you hop out you should apply the lotion. Because basically what's going to happen is the lotion is going to trap that leftover humidity or moisture on your skin and keep it against your skin. The rest of the day that way you or skin stays hydrated and you stay ashy-free and finally.

Number Five

You use antiperspirant you see regular deodorants were made to add a scent to you or armpit so you wouldn't stink however antiperspirants were made with aluminium then aluminium is what's used to block you or sweat ducts of you or armpits to make sure you don't sweat however some people suggest that the aluminium in these products can cause cancer it can cause Alzheimer’s and even potentially cause Parkinson’s in the season however I don't know if that's true or not however even though those are just speculations I’m not going to risk it that's why I always suggest.

You guys use unnatural deodorant something that's made with natural ingredients to make sure you still smell good but you are not damaging you or body and if you have a sweat problem a much better and natural alternative is to use an undershirt there's a lot of modern undershirts that are ultra-thin tight to the body and cut very deep that almost look invisible and most people don't notice you are wearing them and it blocks the sweat from you or exterior layer.
And that's basically it for this week's blog guys. I hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget to drop us a comment and also don’t forget to share.